December 29, 2012

Budo and Jissen (Actual Fighting)

武道・武術に関する言論を眺めていると,しばしば「実戦」ということが議論になる。「実戦」とは何か。何に対する「実戦」なのか。ある人にとっては,「実戦」とは試合(競技)を指しており,ある人にとっては,「実戦」とはストリートファイト(街中での暴力的な危機)を指している。「武道は実戦的でなければならない」という言説さえもある。この場合,何に対する「実戦」を求めているのだろうか。海外ではしばしば,traditional martial artsとreality-based martial artsが区別される。前者は競技を目的とした武術的スポーツを含む伝統的な武術を広く指していて,後者は日常生活での護身術,セキュリティーサービスやボディガードの護衛術,さらには白兵戦における戦闘術を指している。traditional martial artsの中でも,試合(競技)を目的としているものにとって,「実戦」とはまさしく試合(競技)であろう。したがって,その場合,それは武道ではなく,あくまで武術的スポーツである。また,武道は確かに護身術として役立つ場合もあるが,護身術そのものではない。したがって,武道とはreality-based martial artsでもない。武道は,ここでいう「実戦」,すなわち,ストリートファイトにおける護身・護衛が第一義的な目的ではないからである。このように,本来の武道は,試合(競技)もストリートファイトも求めていない。試合(競技)はスポーツの範疇であるため,それを目的としていればそもそも武道ではない。つまり,厳密な意味での武道家が,試合(競技)を実戦と考えることは一切ない。もし仮に試合(競技)が実戦だと考えている「武道家」がいるとすれば,残念ながらその人は厳密な意味での武道家ではない。一方で,ストリートファイト(における護身・護衛)は武道の一つの副次的産物としては考えられ得る。武道の心得が,結果的に,護身や護衛に役立つことはあり得る。しかし,繰り返すが,武道は護身術そのものではない。確かに武道が含む技術体系は,実戦(この場合の「実戦」は,強いて現代社会に当てはめれば,試合よりはストリートファイト)を想定している。しかし,こうした実戦性は武道の一部分であり,全体ではない。つまり,武道は,単に実戦的であることのみを求めているわけではない。言い換えれば,何らかの特定の「実戦」を強調し目標とすること自体が,武道的ではないということである。

When we read the statements about budo and martial arts, we can see that they often discuss "jissen (actual fighting)." What is jissen? Where or at which is jissen considered to be? Some consider "jissen" to be at games (competitions), while others at street fights (violent crises on the street). Even there is a statement "Budo must be actual for fighting." In this case, what kind of "jissen" do they seek for? Once in a while, in western countries, traditional martial arts and reality-based martial arts are distinguished from each other. The former points to a broad range of traditional martial arts including martial artistic sports that aim for competitions as well, and the latter points to various types of techniques such as self-defense in everyday life, guards' skills in security, and combat skills in hand-to-hand fighting in a scene of war. One that primarily drives for competitions (games) between traditional martial arts may consider "jissen" to be undoubtedly competitions (games). In that case, consequently, that is not budo, but just martial artistic sports. On the other hand, though budo  actually serves as self-defense in some cases, it is not self-defense itself. Hence, budo is not reality-based martial arts as well. It is because budo is not aiming primarily at, "jissen" called here, or self-defensing or guarding on the street fighting. In this way, the primary budo aims for neither competitions (games) nor street fights. Because competitions (games) are included in sports, if an art aims for them, precisely it is not budo. That is, budoka in the strict sense would never think of competitions (games) as jissen. If a self-proclaimed "budoka" think like that, unfortunately he/she would not be a real budoka in the strict sense. On the other hand, (self-defense and guard on) street fighting would be considered to be as one of the available application of budo. Bodily knowledge of budo is likely to result in the effectiveness in self-defense or guard on the street. But, again, budo is not the art of self-defense itself. Surely, technical systems budo includes is based on jissen, which would be supposed to be street fights rather than competitions (games), if we dare to apply "jissen" in this case to the modern society. But, this property for actual fighting is not all but a part of budo. Budo is not aiming for only being actual. In other words, emphasizing and aiming for a particular thing as actual itself does not come up to budo.

December 24, 2012

Polishing the self through kata to be aware of being here now


Practicing budo is to be aware that we are just being while nothingness. Accordingly, everyday practices of budo never has any future concrete aims. Budoka should devote themselves exclusively to the "practice" of their martial arts. They are entirely polishing kata forever. It is budo that is to polish the self as the body through kata to the end of life and world.

December 18, 2012

Aware of just being here now


Budoka must know that he/she himself/herself just exists with his/her own body that exists here now. Hence, practicing budo is a methodology to know that we just exist here now with our own body. It is important to be clearly aware of being here now, not being in the past or future, not being there or over there. We simply exist. And then, simply existing is ultimately identical with non-existing. Being and nothingness ultimately have no difference with each other. Therefore, living as budoka is to become aware of just being and just nothingness.

December 11, 2012

The Essence of Living as Budoka


What is the essence of living as budoka? If a person is not a budoka and asked what the essence of living is for him/her, he/she must say something like purposes of living in answer to the question. For example, it may be traveling the whole world, eating something delicious, getting married with a person whom he/she is in love with, winning honor or status, and making money. However, all of them are simply desires of human beings, that is, dramatizations or decorations constructed as games in this world. According to Zen, these are all "shiki" (which means matters or forms in Japanese), while actually these are all "kuu" (which means nothingness or emptiness in Japanese). In a word, these are the purposeful, not the essential. Budoka is a Zen practitioner, and Zen practitioners should have a proper understanding of this structure. The essence of living as budoka is to be aware of this structure and conscious of the here now.

November 27, 2012

Death Preparedness of Budoka


It is important for budoka to have death preparedness at all times. Every human beings will die in time. Possibly we may die tomorrow, or not tomorrow but in another moment. Some people may turn out to get old and live long, while others may have their young short life ended. Though we can not deny this grim reality, it is not that we are always conscious of death in everyday life. Here, it is of vital importance that budoka always dare to live their daily life with awareness of thier own death. Preparedness of death never means that we throw ourselves into despair since we all will die, sooner or later, in any case. It is not to live in a ephemeral way, as well as to be careless about our own lives. If anything, the fact is opposite. Budo is a way to teach us the way to survive and live our own lives. It is a way to live as budoka that is to appreciate our living here now, as well as not deceive ourselves, by being always aware of our own death.

November 08, 2012

How We Live Our Daily Life as Budoka


How should we live our daily life as a budoka? Budoka needs to always keep giving attentions to the situations, events, and people in his/her surrounding, and maintain the state that he/she can cope with them the best at any time. This never mean that we should keep attentions to surroundings neurotically. It is not being stuck to a certain thing or event, but keeping such a state as water flowing freely. If something happens out of our expectation, we should cope with it softly and smoothly. Reacting to the unexpected stiffly is similar to being conscious with only the enemy's sword (fist), and if so, we could not control his/her attack. Additionally, as for the situation that we have expected beforehand is critical, we should react to it in a calm and dispassionate way. Anxiety or worry we ruminate due to the expected crisis is a waste of energy for the things or events that have not yet happened. Budoka live here now, and do the best with surviving from the here-now situation. He/she also never do any act to be willing to court danger. Budo is a way to teach us the skills to survive and how to live, and it is budoka's real ability that is that he/she detects a danger in advance and evades it as far as possible.

October 23, 2012

How We Are in Our Mind as Budoka


How should our mind be as budoka? Budo is not just marital arts, or it does not have fighting skills only. Budo is marital "ways," or Zen through practicing combative techniques. Therefore, budoka seek to live in Zenic way. Who are willing to live on Zen philosophy is budoka. If so, we would seek to have our mind be in Zenic way. Be in Zen means that we are not stuck to one thing, but directed on everything. It seems to be ever-flowing mind like water. It is not guaranteed at all that learning budo immediately gets you have water mind. But, the attitude that we seek to have our mind like water is the way of life as budoka. Being stuck to a certain emotion or thought, putting it in a way of budo, leads to death. It is of vital importance not to be a slave to a certain emotion or thought. Not being stuck to emotions and thoughts never means suppressing them. It also does not mean wandering in mind with involuntarily giving attentions to every emotions and thoughts incessantly coming up to mind. It is leaving from them and getting rid of them. Mindful state of mind, which is like water, changing freely, flowing freely, not stagnating at a place, everywhere and nowhere, is the way of life as a budoka.

September 21, 2012

Okinawa included in Karate


The understanding that only schools in Okinawa prefecture include the real nature or essence is misleading. But, it is also the case that it is impossible to understand a body culture as karate without the factor of Okinawa. It is karate that is a martial art developing through complicatedly mixing with such Okinawan culture as natural futures, geography, climate, dances, songs, foods, people's way to think, and so on. Thus, karate must be in Okinawan way forever. It is understanding karate with the Okinawan characters that is a cue to essentially understand karate as a martial art.

Okinawa Karate in Okinawa


It is generally recognized that a set of so called "Okinawa karate" is karate that keeps a traditional style of original martial arts without the effects of sportization after the world war II. For this reason, a lot of foreigners are coming to Okinawa from all around the world in order to learn original karate. Recently, more and more foreigners are coming to learn not internationalized sports karate, but karate as a martial art or Okinawan traditional body culture. They (as well as most of Japanese) seek genuine karate with using the framework "Okinawa Karate" as a clue to understand original karate and differentiating it from sports karate. Though this is not wrong, it is in danger of misunderstanding that we have such exclusiveness that something called "Okinawa Karate" at present, that is, schools having their headquarter dojo in Okinawa prefecture, only include the essential quality of karate. Whether a school and the master (shihan, sensei) understand the real nature or essence of karate does not depend on geographical property.

Japan and Karate


The representative of karate in the mainland of Japan is so called "sports karate," which makes much of competitions (games). Karate, the Okinawan classical martial art, which has been popularized mainly among universities and colleges before and after the world war II, is being wholly sportized in the mainland of Japan and its sportization leads to its internationalization today. Sports karate is different from that old-style Okinawan traditional karate in techniques and appearances. Kyokushin Karate, which was found by Masutatsu Oyama sensei, is also different in techniques and appearances from sports karate that is represented by Japan Karatedo Federation. In this way, karate, which has been internationalized via the mainland of Japan, has increased in variation of physical forms. One of the reason is sportization (introducing tournaments). Sportization gradually makes martial arts lose their own essence as they intrinsically have. To put it the other way around, we can see that it is possible to maintain the essence of martial art in itself by keeping away from sportization. How well we can maintain karate in the mainland of Japan as a martial art depends on how well we can avoid sportizing it.

Okinawa and Karate


Karate is a traditional body culture in Okinawa. It had been gradually systematized during Meiji era, and introduced and popularized in the mainland of Japan during Showa era before the world war II. In the mainland of Japan, karate had spread mainly between universities, and after the WW II, it has developed as a sport. Today, there are a lot of fans of mainly "sports karate" in the world. While karate has been sportized in the mainland of Japan and the world, it seems that the karate in Okinawa, which strongly keeps an essential style once as it had because of pure culture under the sway of United States after WW II, has been inherited. But actually, there is a slight possibility that the current unique Okinawa karate has been shaped through something like biological evolution in Galapagos. That is, it is difficult for us today to objectively determine what kind of thing karate (tiy) before systematized in the Meiji era or at least during the Meiji era was, because karate was a body culture handed down by word of mouth. Thus, it is not certain whether it really remains to be as it was then. But, anyhow, what we can say at least is that it is Okinawan karate that remains to be martial arts due to having escaped from sportization fortunately.

August 21, 2012

Subjective Judgment on Genuineness of Masters


A master's techniques and thoughts are right for some people, while another master's ones for other people. In that sense, there are thousands of martial artists described as "genuine" in the world. But, whether a master is famous or not is never information as a subjective criterion to decide whether he/she is "genuine" or not. The important thing is that people meet a martial artist who they themselves can regard as "genuine" from the bottom of their heart. Though the decision naturally depends on the level of their own mastering, the ultimate scale to decide whether a master is "genuine" or not may probably be a subjective sense of body. Comprehension of the genuineness is considered to be based on not a logical theory but a sense of body, just because marital arts are body crafts. However, understanding that sense of body depends on a subjective framework or standard. Felt sense of body varies according to the stage of mastering. As it turned out, it is said that deciding whether a martial artist is genuine or not is thoroughly the person's own subjective judgement.

Genuine Master for Experts


Unless the master is extremely wrong, if we learn martial arts under him/her to some extent, we must bring about the framework and standard to estimate "genuineness" for ourselves little by little, because we gradually accumulate various kinds of experience and knowledge about the art. At this stage, if we reached to a decision that our master was not a genuine martial artist, we would seek for another master who is genuine. Or, while some would practice by themselves without seeking for a new master, others might establish his own school. On this occasion, the framework or standard of "genuineness" can be said to be extremely subjective. Depending on us individually, that is, whether the master is a person who have techniques and thoughts we idealize on our subjective framework and standard to the utmost, is a point to decide whether the master should be "genuine" or not. Therefore, concerning the "genuineness," so many men, so many minds. Essentially, other people's evaluation and opinions are not relevant to the decision whether a person regard his/her master as a genuine martial artist or a fake one from his/her own subjective viewpoint.

Genuine Master for Beginners


In the case of beginners, they have no framework or standard to judge whether a martial artist in front of them is genuine or not, because of few matters such as experience or knowledge. Then, they would have no other way than to believe their master, whom they follow by chance, genuine. Unless their belief changes in the process of practicing, the master is "genuine" for them forever. Even if the master was doubtful in the eyes of others outside (objectively), he would continue to be genuine for themselves (subjectively).

Who is a genuine master?


Whether we think of a martial artist as "genuine" depends on our subjective judgment. Practitioners of martial arts, in general, continue to learn it under the person who they think is a genuine martial artist. Therefore, every person ought to follow his/her own master, who they believe is genuine. Given that there is not such a praiseworthy person who want to spend his/her precious time and money following a "fake" master, as a logical result, all practitioners actually would learn the art under a "genuine" master.

August 12, 2012

Essential Commonality


In the transmission of techniques of martial arts, technical changes to some extent is inevitable because the transmission is done through bodies. Especially karate has a high acceptability to the changes. Therefore, the seeming differences in techniques between schools of karate is possible to be attributed to the differences in understanding of karate based on the founders' physical (body sensational) differences. What we have to do is to find out the underlying truth without the seeming differences. In spite of schools' differences, there ought to be the essence underlying karate, and it is a practice of karate that is to pursue the essence. In other words, it is to pursue the quintessence of "karate-body" (bodily existential style developed by karate). It is thought of as very simple several principles. Is here a desire that forerunners of karate insisted that karate has no school?

July 28, 2012

Changes of Techniques


Essentially, karate is a culture of martial arts that is tolerant of changes. But, after the world war II, not only literal but also photographic recording is widespread, then added by videotape recording, and in recent years ordinary people can easily take moving images. For this reason, it is true that the change of techniques is getting harder to occur than before. However, the change is inevitable, because of body culture.

July 14, 2012

Founders of Schools and Technical Differences between Schools


Karate was essentially a vague culture of martial arts not only without strict boundaries of schools but also with wholly transmission of techniques by word of mouth. We can imagine that this easiness enabled Kenwa Mabuni sensei to learn both shuri-te and naha-te. Then, the techniques of shuri-te and naha-te might have been changing with the times, because all of them are passed down from masters to disciples only through their bodies. It is just under Okinawan "teegee." Therefore, the technical differences between schools today can be attributed to the differences of bodily (and sensory) understanding between school founders, each of who was a higher disciple of Itosu Anko sensei or Kanryo Higaon'na sensei. Historically, te (tiy) as the culture of martial arts developing in Okinawa includes an aspect that accept a change very much, and that is why today a lot of karateka actively leave from their master and found their own school. Shito-ryu and Okinawa Goju-ryu are a little different from each other in their same katas of naha-te. On the other hand, the katas of shuri-te in shito-ryu are different from the ones in okinawa shorin-ryu concerning the details of movements and usages. Seemingly, the shotokan-ryu founder Funakoshi sensei's shuri-te has his striking originality, different from te of disciples of Itosu sensei, though, it may be because Funakoshi sensei is a disciple of Anri Anko sensei. Then, the katas of shotokan-ryu has a lot of points different from the ones of other schools. In sum, we can guess that these differences of techniques between schools today might be entirely based on the differences of comprehension led by the physical (bodily sensational) differences of founders who were leading disciples of shuri-te or naha-te masters in the last half of 19 centuries.

Schools of Karate


A founder of the school is basically defined as a person who form an another original school depart from the school his/her master succeeds. But, karate has a little different situation from other martial arts. It was not until Showa era that karateka identified themselves with a specific school name. There had been not any schools like the so-called "school" until then, and original techniques had been passed down at each area in Okinawa. Representative ones are nothing but shuri-te and naha-te. The founder of shito-ryu Kenwa Mabuni sensei learned both shuri-te from Anko Itosu sensei and naha-te from Kanryo Higaon'na sensei. It is a very famous episode that he identified his techniques as "shito-ryu" named after his two master after he had migrated from Okinawa to Osaka in Japan mainland. It is not until recently that karateka has given themselves a name of school, and probably this phenomenon in karate might have been influenced mainly by ken-jutsu and ju-jutsu in Japan mainland. Some say that Okinawan karateka unavoidably gave themselves a name of school against their will because it is usual that martial artists have their own name of school in Japan mainland. Kanken Toyama sensei, who was the leading disciple of Anko Itosu sensei, had been refusing to identify himself with a specific school name, saying "there is no school in karate." In addition, Gichin Funakoshi sensei, who is the founder of shotokan-ryu, also did not identify his class with a specific name of school ("shotokan-ryu" has been given by the disciples of Funakoshi sensei). Thus, goju-ryu and syorin-ryu in Okinawa and shito-ryu and shotokan-ryu in Japan mainland are subtly different from a sect of main school, since that the direct disciples of such masters in the age of no school as Anko Itosu sensei and Kanryo Higaon'na sensei have founded their respective schools. In other word, it is suggested that karate must have been essentially a more vague culture of martial arts without strict boundaries of schools.

June 30, 2012

Schools (Ryu-ha)


Nowadays, there are innumerable schools (ryu-ha) in karate. Might the number run up to thousands, if so called both styles of Zenkuren (Japan Karatedo Federation) and Kyokushin (full-contact karate) are included? It is not too much to say that one karateka has one school. Karate is a martial art, that is, just an "art." Based on the characteristics of arts, though it has basic frameworks of techniques, it also has an aspect that the practitioners are allowed to develop it by themselves after mastering the basic techniques. Inevitably, this fact provides a chance to form a sect or branch, or another "school." Considering that copying 100% of the art is impossible because the transmission of physical manipulation techniques is carried out through the bodies of individuals and that the concept "shu-ha-ri" is regarded as important in arts, we can say that it is "arts" that include a possibility to form a sect or branch all the times. A disciple is a disciple, but not a copy of his/her master. We can understand well that a disciple who has his/her own stronger ambitiousness would be eager to stand on his/her own feet as an artist, and familiarize his/her own original techniques to the world. If they urged to get a martial art sportized, their schools and techniques would be integrated like kendo, judo, and kyudo, and then they would have a low possibility to split into branches since that sportized martial arts have no space to be an art. It is also difficult for an individual to form his/her own school beyond the history and tradition of the martial art, if their techniques has been continuously passed down since ancient times by something written like esoteric writings (books of secrets). Additionally, in the case of such young martial arts as shorinji-kenpo or aikido, it is extremely difficult to form a new school by leaving from the head school because they have a highly organized system of techniques. These factors, which may hinder disciples from leaving from their master and mother school and forming their own school though they practice martial "arts", are less or weaker in karate than in other martial arts. That is, though karate is a historic martial art that had been developing in Ryukyu Kingdom since ancient times, it has no esoteric writings or books of secrets that pass down their old history and techniques by means of words. In addition, the systematized techniques themselves are so obscure because karateka had continuously engaged in physical (bodily) transmission of techniques that karate is far from integration or unification for competitive sports. Therefore, there are diverse ideas about "what karate is" between each of karateka. For this reason, though the quintessence of karate as Okinawan martial art surely exists, karate practitioners tend to define the art "karate" in their own way before they arrive at the common quintessence, and to introduce their own truth into the world by their own words and body. As a result, subgrouping easily occurs in karate rather than other martial arts. That is why there are innumerable schools (ryu-ha) in karate.

June 20, 2012

Shito-ryu and Kata


In shito-ryu, both katas of shuri-te (Itosu style) and naha-te (Higaon'na style) are being inherited. Most of schools inherit only katas of shuri-te or naha-te, and there are few school that inherit both as shito-ryu does. For example, some schools but shito-ryu, isshin-ryu or shindo-ryu passes down both shuri-te and naha-te. There is originality and profundity of shito-ryu in here. If you practiced "karate", it would be too good to practice shuri-te or naha-te only, in that you learn "karate" that is a classical martial art originating in Okinawa. There is nothing to choose between shuri-te and naha-te, both of which are rare culture of martial arts. Besides, they include common techniques of body manipulation as martial arts matured in Okinawa. Some says that we can not practice both shuri-te and naha-te simultaneously. But, I think practicing both do indeed enable us to touch the quintessence of Okinawan karate, according to Kenwa Mabuni sensei, who is the founder of shito-ryu and one of the great masters of Okinawan karate.

June 12, 2012

Naha-te and Sanchin


In the same way as shuri-te, there is a saying that naha-te practitioners start and end with sanchin. Body manipulations characteristic of naha-te are compacted in Sanchin. Though sanchin includes less moves of offence and defense than naifanchi, it consists of the most important and fundamental moves that are the essences of karate-specific body manipulation, that is, tensioning, breathing, and balancing (central axis) in standing, foot-moving, blocking, and punching. These ultimate principles soak into our body by doing sanchin at slow speed. In shito-ryu, the principles of body manipulation learnt through sanchin are applied to moves and techniques in any kata, regardless of shuri-te or naha-te.

May 31, 2012

Shuri-te and Naifanchi


The saying that the practice of shuri-te starts with naifanchi and ends with naifanchi is common among shuir-te practitioners. The basic moves of shuri-te for offense and defense are put together into this naifanchi. Though naifanchi is a short kata, it includes methods of blocking, punching, and physical manipulation peculiar to karate. Based on fundamentalism, it is not too much to say that naifanchi would be enough if you learned shuri-te. There is a semi-legend that the sensei Choki Motobu had never practiced anything but naifanchi. Actually, he must have known many of other katas, and practiced some of them. But this story about Motobu sensei is famous as an episode to show that naifanchi is so ultimate kata into which the principles of karate (shuri-te) are integrated.

May 19, 2012



Each move in kata has a specific meaning. In the practice of karate, disciples learn the basic interpretation of moves in kata first. After understanding and acquiring the basic techniques in kata, they try to derive other various techniques from moves in kata. Then, it can be found that a move in kata generates unlimited techniques. Additionally, more techniques are created freely through considering which part of a series of moves in kata is pulled out, or what technique is made up by combining one move and another move in kata. Therefore, bunkai of kata is theoretically said to be infinite. Exquisiteness of kata, or relish of karate practice is in there.

May 14, 2012

Kata and Bunkai


In shito-ryukata practices and bunkai (how to apply kata) practices are thought to be the most important. We entirely practice kata repeatedly, while we try the techniques implied by moves included in kata with a real partner. Needless to say, on one hand the interpretation of kata is definite; on the other hand, it is infinite. Therefore, karateka learn definite techniques from kata, while they derive infinite ones from kata. This is the way the true practice of classical karate ought to be, and the practice that ought to be primal. Shito-ryu faithfully follows the tradition.

May 06, 2012

Moves without as Much Waste as Possible


In shito-ryu, we thoroughly attempt to move with as less waste as we can. Budo requires the most effects by the least moves and power, because any useless move in a fight is fatal. According to the reason, the shortest stroke and the least movement with the maximum effects is right in shito-ryu, when we do blocking, grappling, punching, kicking, and so on. For this reason, shito-ryu is generally said to be "simple," but "simple" is the essence of budo, and "fancy" budo is by no means budo. "Simple" is the highest compliment for budo.

April 29, 2012



In shito-ryu (the school of shito), we practice both shuri-te and naha-te. Inevitably, individuals who practice shito-ryu might think about what is te beyond shuri-te and naha-te. They might try to seek a fusion of shuri-te and naha-te. They might begin to pursue the common principles of te. Shuri-te of shito-ryu has become like naha-te, while naha-te of shito-ryu has become like shuri-te. There appears the original te of shito-ryu. Though there are a few schools except shito-ryu where both shuri-te and naha-te are learned; isshin-ryu or shindo-ryu, at least it is learning both of them that might be relish, zest, or enjoyment of practicing te as Okinawan classical martial arts.

April 06, 2012

Similarity between Shuri-te and Naha-te


It is said that there are differences between shuri-te and naha-te in the distance from enemies, the attitudes toward breathing and tension of the body, the body manipulation techniques, and so on. Hence, some karateka think that it is impossible to learn both shuri-te and naha-te. But, on fighting, it is necessary to cope with various distances of enemies according to their position and move. Enemies do not wait for us who think and say that the distance between they and ourselves is broad or narrow. We should learn techniques to cope with their offences which are given to us at any distance. Precisely, on facing with enemies, the actual offence and defense is taken in a moment within the range that we can reach and touch them by hands and feet. If so, the difference in distance between shuri-te and naha-te is slight, not the one which is impossible to be learned together. Besides, the bases of body manipulation are breathing and tension of the body similarly for shuri-te and naha-te, and it is better to practice them consciously from the beginning. Though both of them may be different in minor parts of body techniques from each other, there may be major core techniques common to both as fighting arts developed in Okinawa. If we assumed that, shuri-te and naha-te should not be distinguished from each other by deciding at the beginning that each of them have different methods and theories respectively. Rather, both of them must be sublimated into te by pursuing the common theories of them and fusing their techniques together. Here is the original meaning and responsibility of the existence of Shito-ryu, which has been found and developed by Kenwa Mabuni sensei who was an Okinawan karateka.

April 05, 2012

Difference between Shuri-te and Naha-te


Te (tiy) is divided into two types; shuri-te and naha-te. In terms of techniques included in kata, generally speaking, the distance shuri-te assumes between a supposed enemy and oneself is broad compared to naha-te, while the one naha-te assumes is relatively narrower than shuri-te. Additionally, in naha-te, both breathing and tension of the body are consciously took into account at the beginning of training, while in shuri-te, they think that both breathing and tension of the body are learned automatically through the practice, and then they do not emphasize the importance of them. Some Okinawan karateka say that both are different even in the way of punching. Then, some think that it is impossible to learn both shuri-te and naha-te.

March 25, 2012

Way to Master the Art


The first step to learn martial and performing arts is to start copying one's own master. It is not to be given a lesson passively, but to see and copy the master spontaneously. It can be said that it is to steal the arts of the master. That is, the existence of the master itself is a lesson. A disciple entirely copy his or her master, according to what the master does and says. He or she makes efforts and devices while dialoguing with his or her own body in order to approach the master's art. It is not said to be a device that a facile self-taught manner is. Disciples should insistently fit themselves into the master. They should entirely continue to do that. Sometime they happen to find that the master's art becomes their own one. In other words, that has not been the master's but their own art. Consequently, it may get superior to the master's art, or may not. But, that is not significant.

March 03, 2012

Existence of One's Own Master


The happiest thing for martial artists is to meet a master as a genuine marital artist. It is because there is a high possibility that they might have an eternal way to the state of their master till the last. There is a phrase "syu-ha-ri" (three stages of learning mastery) used in martial and performance arts of Japan. But, at first, it is unhappy for martial artists to follow a master who they can top early and easily. The master who they can top easily is not a genuine one.

Way to One's Own Master's State


Budo is physical arts. Then, if a master is a genuine martial artist, It takes an astronomical time and effort to learn the secrets of the arts, insofar as the disciple has no latent ability or talent to top the master. Transmission of physical arts requires such a lot of time and effort. Therefore, in most cases, disciples have a long way to go to the state of their master to the last extremity.



The transmission of skills in martial and performance arts from teachers to students is essentially conducted only by one-to-one communication from a body to a body, or from a person to a person. Inevitably, it takes an extremely long time to master the arts and skills of one's teacher. The examples are kabuki and nohgaku. The actors spend an extraordinary time on learning their teacher (their own father) from their infancy."Isshi-soden" (transmission to one child) means "the transmission of mysteries and secrets of an art or learning from father the teacher to only one child the student" stated in the most famous dictionary of Japanese, Kojien. This may not mean a kind of mysticism or secretiveness as a system for maintaining the privileged state of the head of a school, iemoto or soke, but imply that it costs so much work and time to transmit a physical art.

Dialogue through the Body


The essence of physical arts is not possible to understand without the body. A master speaks by his/her body, and the disciple listens by his/her body. This is a dialogue through the body.

February 29, 2012

Okinawan te


Te (tiy) or the Okinawan classical martial art is roughly classified into two categories; shuri-te and naha-te. In modern Okinawa, there remains shorin-ryu as a successive generation of shuri-te and goju-ryu as naha-te. There is another school among the called "big three schools (ryuha) in Okinawa"; uechi-ryu. Though uechi-ryu has been organized into a school (ryuha) since Showa era downward and different from goju-ryu in the kinds of kata and the techniques, it may be right to broadly include it among naha-te because there are a lot of similarities between goju-ryu and uechi-ryu, for example, both have the same katas as sanchin and seisan. Additionally, there had been a te (tiy) that had been developed in Tomari area, called tomari-te. However, nowadays, people hardly practice and transmit especial tomari-te independently, it may be because it has a lot of similarity to shuri-te in techniques.

February 02, 2012

Okinawan Karate and Old-style Karate


The expressions of "Budo karate" and "Okinawa karate" are often used as the antonyms of "Sport karate" and "Hondo karate." On this occasion, some people use the expression "koryu (
koden) karate" instead of the formers (koryu or koden means old-style). It is presumed that they may apply an idea to karate as well, which is the way of grouping various martial arts that has been passed down since the ancient times by the expression  "kobujutsu or kobudo (old-style martial arts), " compared to modern martial arts organized and developed from Meiji era downward. We can say that generally old-style martial arts are allowed to be called "ko (old) bujutsu (martial arts)" in that they are not modern  because the scenes or situations they assume they fight with enemies in are certainly old, for example, the fighting situations of samurai soldiers. Though some of the scenes "te (tiy)" assumes, or the ones katas had developed in, are as old as the ones "kobujutsu" assumes, the techniques of "te (tiy)" can be applied to modern situations because it is a marital art with no arms. In this way, it may not be all that proper to designate the original "te (tiy)" as "koryu (old-style) karate."

Karate and Te


People have a stable image of "karate" as a sport, because of the sportization during its prevailing in the mainlands of Japan. Then, it may be better to use "te (tiy)" (some say "Okinawa-te [Uchina-diy]" ), or respectively and concretely call "shuri-te (diy)"and "naha-te (diy)," if you want to refer to the primary Okinawan classical martial arts. Besides, in recent years, Okinawan karateka have advocated the word or concept "Okinawa Karate" in order to distinguish their own karate from "Hondo (mainland) karate, " which is regarded as a synonym for karate sports (sport karate). But, the word "Okinawa karate" might be thought to be a redundancy or tautology, since karate is essentially one of the Okinawan classical marital arts. However, considering that there are some schools and dojos in Okinawa importing competitions into themselves, "Okinawa karate" is not definitely an antonym of "sport karate." On the other hand, even if they are in the mainland of Japan, there are some groups pursuing the original "te (tiy)," which has't got sportized. Then, they would be wrong if they used the expression "Okinawa karate" as the antonym of "sport karate" in order to distinguish themselves from "Hondo karate." It would be more appropriate to use the expression "budo karate," if they want to draw a clear distinction between themselves and "sport karate." However, strictly speaking, the expression "budo karate" also might be thought to be a redundancy or tautology, since karate is "budo" from the beginning. In this way, the expressions including any adjective like "something karate" has multiple meanings. So, when we refer to classical martial arts with no arms organized and developed in Okinawa (Ryukyus), we should call them "te (tiy)" or "syuri-te" and "naha-te, " as they once had been called.

February 01, 2012

Shuri-te and Naha-te


Karate has two types of the genealogy: shuri-te and naha-te. The classical marital art originally formulated and developed in Ryukyus (Okinawa), which had been influenced variously by both China and Japan in a political and cultural way, was once called "te (tiy)." Especially, the te (tiy) developed in Shuri area was called shuri-te, while the te in Naha area was called naha-te. Even today, there are some karateka in Okinawa who use these names intentionally. The name "karate," which was given in recent years (at the beginning of 20 centuries), is useful for us to give a generic name to Okinawan classical martial arts and if we think about the prevalence of the name today--if so, we could use "te" instead of "karate,"though. But, more strictly, it should be appropriate to use such names as shuri-te and naha-te. It is because, at first sight, the two seem to be different technique systems from each other.

January 06, 2012

Kata is Bible


Various techniques are embedded in kata. Besides, the methods to manipulate one's own body to complete these techniques are complexly incorporated into kata. Additionally, a certain move in kata has different meanings depending on interpretation, and applicably broadens into various kinds of techniques. Then, kata of karate is something like a bible or text, and we can derive lots from kata. One of the pleasures of karate discipline is such interpretation of kata and discovery of techniques. Metaphorically speaking, as if philosophy researchers interpret texts of philosophers and derive a lot of meanings from them, karateka interpret katas and derive a lot of techniques from them. Of course, the numbers of techniques derived from a move are limited, and some moves do not allow us to interpret them variously, but generally the variation of interpretation is wide, and it also varies according to the level of mastering. Since kata has these characteristics, it is not the fact that moves in kata themselves simply get useful on actual scenes. Kata is a system in which the methods of body manipulation for effectiveness of the techniques are embedded, and practitioners of karate impregnate their own body with them by practicing kata repeatedly. Besides, the impregnated body manipulation is necessary to work naturally according to actual different situations. As a result, it is natural that actual moves are not as moves in kata.

January 05, 2012

The View That Kata Is Not Useful


We often hear the opinion "kata is not useful" expressed between people who practice karate sports. But, this is doubly wrong. First, katas performed in karate sports are not real ones of Okinawan classical karate. They have florid and superfluous moves appealing to the judges in games. Because of that, moves of katas in karate sports are quite different from ones in real karate as budo. Therefore, there is no way to use katas in effect. Second, although the word "useful" seems to mean for players of karate sports that they apply the techniques included in kata to kumite (fighting) games, in fact, the techniques may not be useful as ones for kumite games which are based on rules and judges. It is because the techniques included in katas are primarily not for kumite games. Thus, it is extremely natural for players or lovers of karate sports that "kata is not useful."