April 24, 2017

After Reading Lao Tsu: Chapter 17 老子:第一七章を読んで


If you were a Budo-ka, you should not seek for fame or flaunt your achievements. If we intend to measure ourselves in social evaluations, desires will naturally arise. It is mindfulness that is emerging from and transcending the world where we are slaves of values, evaluations, and desires. That is also following the Tao. Becoming a free and natural existence not bound by evaluations and achievements is where Budo-ka is aiming at. If you were just present like air in such a way, those around you could live in peace, and work at ease.

April 17, 2017

After Reading Lao Tsu: Chapter 16 老子:第一六章を読んで


The practice of martial arts is to obtain rest through motion. Rest means empty mind, which is the Tao or Zen. Martial artists grasp and control their enemies and situation with the quiet observation skills which are physical application of martial arts, while they understand and cope with their selves and world with the same quiet observation skills which are mental application of martial arts. Rest within motion is just this thing, which is being mindful. It also is being in the most natural state, which is going with the flow of the heaven and earth. Those who keep feeling and cultivating rest through martial arts is just called Budo-ka.

April 09, 2017

After Reading Lao Tsu: Chapter 15 老子:第一五章を読んで


People of the Tao are careful and cautious, whereas soft and calm. People of mindfulness also observe sensitively, whereas vaguely take a whole view in a tranquil manner. The heart of martial arts is having a careful and sensitive consciousness (i.e., an observing skill) and a soft and tranquil attitude (i.e., a coping skill). Masters of martial arts are squaring off, while they are not. They have an eye on the best chance to move quickly and accurately. They do not move wastefully, fancily, and unnaturally. Therefore, Budo-ka imperceptibly accomplish their tasks in an elastic and smooth, unresistant and natural way.

April 02, 2017

After Reading Lao Tsu: Chapter 14 老子:第一四章を読んで


Normally, any martial art has its katas. Kata is a guide or clue to show the direction for learning the art, that is, a bible or a sutra. It is the traditional practice of martial arts in Asia that the practitioners consider, interpret, and examine the meanings of katas which have been handed down since ancient times. But, they should not be caught up in the visible forms just as they are. It seems like the metaphor "finger pointing at the moon" in Buddhism, kata is a pointing finger or a sutra, and it is the thing pointed by the finger that they really should look at. That is the martial core essences of the school (ryuha), and ultimately, the dharma or the Tao.