July 31, 2017

After Reading Lao Tsu: Chapter 27 老子:第二七章を読んで


People of the Tao are not wasteful. They never move wastefully, speak wastefully, nor think wastefully. Budo-ka also never do so. If you moved wastefully, you could not efficiently control your enemy. If you spoke wastefully, your words would cause unnecessary conflicts. If you thought wastefully, you would come to have hesitation and inattention. Put off waste and be simple. In addition to it, discard value judgments. Apparently bad things have a part that we can learn or benefit from. Therefore, actually there is nothing wasteful. It is people of the Tao, people of Zen, or Budo-ka who deal with things as they are in such a way.

July 11, 2017

After Reading Lao Tsu: Chapter 26 老子:第二六章を読んで


Calmness or tranquility is the way of being Budo-ka. Martial artists observe their own breath and body through the practice. Such cultivated concentration and observation skills can eventually become calm and tranquil mind. This is mindfulness. Martial artists who cultivate mindfulness are described as Budo-ka. Budo-ka never easily get agitated. They always gently keep attentive observation on all directions. Genuinely strong persons are rooted immovably, being there in peace. Those who are in tune with the Tao would be spontaneously followed by people.

July 03, 2017

After Reading Lao Tsu: Chapter 25 老子:第二五章を読んで


The world depends on the Tao. The Tao means the nature itself, and then the heaven, the earth, and the people all depend on the nature. It is people of the Tao, or people of Zen who try to be aware of this fact and be as they are. Budo-ka would try to be not against the nature and be as they are in terms of both physical and mental skills. If we were forcibly against anything, we would lose rather than win. Therefore, we should aim at not losing as well as not winning. We, as ordinary people, always can't help trying to win. Budo-ka would depends on the great nature beyond winning or losing.