September 02, 2013

Flow and Zen フローと禅


In sports or athletics, they are at times in a state where they feel Shinshin-Datsuraku (which almost means that they feel their body and mind inseparably) by concentrating on their plays or activities completely. Csikszentmihalyi used the word "flow" to refer to such state that they are extremely absorbed in their activity, and automatically do their best performance. This flow experience is not limited within sports. Whatever the activity is, a person who is doing a best performance automatically, often might feel that he/she is transcending a sense of time and space, and not be able to be sure whether his/her mind moves his/her body or his/her moving body itself is his/her mind. At that time, he/she may have a positive feeling like ecstasy or pleasure. This flow experience is of course not a bad thing, if anything, it is an extremely interesting one as a state indicating a mind we have when we human beings enjoy our life, especially sports and leisure, as well as a mind they have when professional sports players make a far higher performance than usual people. But, we must not mistake this seemingly state of Shinshin-Datsuraku for the state of Zen. Flow and Zen are alike in appearance but quite different in nature. In other words, this state of Shinshin-Datsuraku that we sometimes feel in sports or other activities is absolutely not the state of Zen. It is necessary to be aware or awake in Zen. It is necessary to observe automatization in a meta-cognitive way, or to feel automatization in a de-centering way, that is, to be aware of the state of Shinshin-Datsuraku. It is not be absorbed in the pleasure, but be aware of it. In the first place, Zen is neither negative nor positive. In Zen, we have to be aware of and transcend the dimension of positive-negative. Zen is just being, or being mindfully with exceeding the problem of whether we feel good or bad. It is probable that the reason why we experience the flow easily in sports may be that there are purposes and achievements, which leads to pleasure in sports. Zen, which has no purpose and achievement, has no flow experience. Therefore, Budo practice, which is Zen, has no flow experience. Budo-ka is experiencing Shinshin-Datsuraku with clear awareness of it during his/her practice.