December 27, 2018

After Reading Takuan: Part 19 不動智神妙録を読んで19


If you confront a master of martial arts, all of your attacks will be absorbed softly, and you will become perfectly under the control of him/her in the blink of an eye. It is just as if you fight with the air. Whenever you try to hit him/her, you will not be able to do it. Immediately after you feel you touch him/her, you will be parried, thrown, and knocked down. True masters of martial arts would control enemies, who try to attack them by the hardness, by not the hardness but the softness. That is just like a gourd on the water, explained by Takuan. A master or gourd will parry and move freely whenever pushed, but remain there. Even if you try to make him/her obey, you can not exactly do that. You never enable him/her obey you forcibly. The hand to push a gourd is namely the attack of an enemy. The attack of an enemy is namely desires. Desires means attachment to the self. It makes you stop moving freely. As if a master of martial arts evade the attack softly, a person who have attained enlightenment would not be attached to everything including the self mindfully but remain there simply. That state with perfect freedom is completely like martial arts.

December 22, 2018

After Reading Takuan: Part 18 不動智神妙録を読んで18


When we are concerned or worried about something, we unintentionally pay attention to it, and become blind to the other things. It is not problematic to devote all of our attention to a point we should concentrate on, like jobs and sports. But otherwise, if we are attached to something, we could not switch our attention quickly and cope with happenings rapidly. In addition, we human beings primarily pay selective attention to things around us according to our own interests. It is because there is a capacity or limitation in our cognitive processing resources. Something concerned or worried makes us not only stuck to it but also expend the limited cognitive resources on it. So, we have an idea that we should not be concerned or worried, but the idea itself consumes the cognitive resources. Takuan advised not expending the cognitive resources on even the idea. If so, we can make full use of the limited resources. That is the true meaning of the state of mushin (no-mindedness).

December 12, 2018

After Reading Takuan: Part 17 不動智神妙録を読んで17


We often hear "have no-mindedness" or "be in a state of selflessness," but we human beings cannot become nothing (zero) as long as we are alive. Takuan used a metaphor that we are not like a stone or tree which has no mind or no self. There are always some things wandering in our mind, while we constantly feel that we clearly exist here as ourselves. But, to be free from things wandering in our mind is called mu-shin (no-mind), and to be free from ourselves is called mu-ga (no-self). To be free is to be not attached. Non-attachment allows us to move freely. In this way, to leave all what we are attached to is to be mindful, or the aim of Zen. It can be exactly said to be unintentional and natural. If we can move unintentionally and freely, we could behave flexibly like water in ever-changing situations. On the other hand, throwing all of attachments away leads to decrease of desires, which results in decrease of sufferings. That is to say, reduction of stress. This is the method Buddha presented.

December 04, 2018

After Reading Takuan: Part 16 不動智神妙録を読んで16


The secret of Taoists is water. It is because water is the nearest to the Tao. Water flows to anywhere, and evades anything softly and flexibly. But, if it becomes a mass, it will demonstrate a mighty power in a moment, while the power of drops of water will wear a hard stone spending a long time. Springs in mountains become a river and eventually reach to the sea. In addition, it changes into a liquid, solid, or gas according to environment. It changes resourcefully and freely, and then cope with any situations elastically. Takuan explained, water should be water, not be ice. Remaining ice means being so solid that we can not move quickly in time of need. Therefore, the aim of Buddhists or Zen Buddhists is to have a mind of coping with ever-changing situations like liquid water. In a broad sense, it would be all right if it exists in accordance with circumstances, as water, ice, or vapor. It does not need to be something. The mind to think that we have to be something also makes us attached to it. Just leaving even it is being truly unintentional and natural.