April 30, 2011

Meaning of the Existence of Budo


What is a meaning of the existence of budo (martial arts) for modern people? Budo is a technique for fighting with enemies that old warriors or masters had been polishing for ages. But, in modern society, there are few chances for us to encounter such a fighting scene. Then, practically using and showing the fighting technique itself has no modern meaning. For us modern people, it is an essential meaning of the discipline of budo to harden our body, develop our abilities such as concentration, insight, and judgement, and cultivate our zenic consciousness, through the training of the technique. Additionally, it is a budo-ka (martial artist) that practice living every day along the thoughts and consciousness cultivated through his/her training.

April 19, 2011

Mindfulness, Zen, and Karate


Essentially, our mind often wanders. Practicing zazen or karate enables us to know, before everything else, the fact that our mind easily wanders. Our mind wanders more readily during zazen than any other acts because we entirely sit on the floor. Accordingly, zazen can be considered as the best way to know the self. But, in addition, it is not easy for us to control our wandering self or be mindful, in other words, to put attention back to our body and breath here now if we notice that our mind is wandering, and continue to concentrate on our body and breath here now in order for our mind not to wander. On the other hand, it is easier for us to put consciousness on our body and breath here now during the practice of karate than zazen because we are moving our body in karate as a martial art. Thus, karate is a quite excellent technique as a training for mindfulness.

April 16, 2011

Zen and Karate


Karate is sometimes called "moving zen." Zazen and karate are equal to each other in the respect that we concentrate on our own body and breath in them. Especially Karate, as kyu-do (Japanese archery), puts more stress on breathing than any other Japanese martial arts. Though it is inevitable that we are aware of our body during polishing kata, we try to match breathing to kata, gradually our body, breath, and consciousness are in complete harmony, and finally self-existence becomes "here now". Therefore, karate is just zen as well as a martial art.

April 12, 2011

Budo and Zen: Zen through Body


Budo is zen. Budo is practiced through polishing kata, and inevitably, during the practice of budo or kata, we concentrate on our own body and breath that exist here now. Equally, during zen, especially zazen, we concentrate on the body and breath of ourselves that sit here now. Our mind is often wandering. Both of them are equivalent in the meaning of one of the ways to truly realize the self-existence that is only here now.