March 01, 2019

After Reading Takuan: Part 32 不動智神妙録を読んで32


Being self-conceited and arrogant should be carefully avoided. A person who can not imagine what he/she is thought of by other people can not take a leading position. We can not do good actions before we reflect on ourselves. Good actions are, in other words, altruistic ones, which lead to reciprocal society. Reciprocal society is healthy and sustainable. Reversely, a group of selfish individuals never has no peace. As long as each of them receive his/her own benefits, they are contented with the group, but if not so, it would get disintegrated soon. This is namely, the end of money is the end of love. You should observe the individual self objectively with a mindful distance. You should always look over self-conceitedness or arrogance, and accept a loss without complaining instead of others. Be free from all of values including gain and loss, and ultimately not be stuck to even a point of the self. Thus, throw away the attachment to the self. The action done when you leave concerns of the self is a genuine good one, and people follow those who do such good actions. Those who follow good people would also become good people. Therefore, the whole society of those people is perfectly good.

After Reading Takuan: Part 31 不動智神妙録を読んで31


No one follows a person whose own benefits are the first priority for him/her. Even though they come together, any of them might be coming together for their own benefits. So, Takuan stated, if you want to understand a person's nature, you should see subordinates or friends of the person. There is a case of a person who is isolated. That person might think of being alone as good for himself/herself, and not just interact with others. He/she does not trouble anyone, but live honestly in his/her own interest. This is not evil at all. Evil is to pursue one's own benefits preferentially on the fact that he/she realize other people will lose by his/her acts, or in other words, on the basis of others' sacrifice. Speaking from the viewpoint of gain and loss, losing is just being enlightened.  A person who can accept his/her position and situation beyond the standard of gain and loss has been already Buddha. A person who can accept what other people reject with resignation is near to the Tao than anyone. We can not deny the feeling that we human beings want to gain personal profits only. So, it is not necessary to try to lose, but if a person does not try to gain but think loss is also the part of his/her fate, he/she would have been already enlightened.

February 28, 2019

After Reading Takuan: Part 30 不動智神妙録を読んで30


A good person is followed by good ones, while a bad person by bad ones. Those who like a person will become like that one. If he/she be right, they would become right; if he/she be wrong, they would become wrong. Takuan stated, a bad person draw bad ones and as a result, things would not work well. Children become like their parents. It is because they internalize their parents' values and behaviors as "right." If these values and behaviors are socially bad, children will become socially bad. Similarly, students become like their teacher, and subordinates become like their supervisor. Children can not choose their parents, but students or subordinates have a possibility to choose their teacher or supervisor despite that it depends on fate and chance. Therefore, in the worlds of arts, it is often said that "spend three years looking for a good teacher." Values and behaviors, thoughts and arts rely heavily on who teaches. Responsibility of teachers or supervisors as leaders as well as parents is grave. Unfortunately, if you realize your teacher or supervisor is not a good person, you should try not to be steeped in vice as best as you can, and behave a good person when you have a turn leading people.

February 27, 2019

After Reading Takuan: Part 29 不動智神妙録を読んで29


No one follows those who desire to act only in their self-interest. Individuals who is fond of scheming for themselves under color of altruism often have no popularity. Though some people are fooled by them, in most cases, their underlying thoughts or superficiality can be through, and then they can not gain credit with other people. Therefore, Takuan explained, begin doing your daily pursuits sincerely and facing your family honestly, and live as a good person. If so, people around you naturally would become good ones, and eventually the world would become peace, in which all people would cooperate with each other. This is not always a knowledge for leaders. As long as we human beings live, the reality consists of us and the world around us. If we, as a good person, throw selfishness away, do honestly what we should do, and interact sincerely with those around us, then the world around us would become peace. Each of human beings live individually, but have reciprocity to cooperate with each other in a group of humans. Actually, some people are self-interested, who try to gain just private benefit just for themselves. However, the selfish persons are, maybe, not happy.

February 25, 2019

After Reading Takuan: Part 28 不動智神妙録を読んで28


Matter eventually falls into decay, and mind constantly changes. Both matter and mind can not be same forever, rather, they continue changing incessantly. When we are in a suffering situation, we are distressed at the idea that it continues forever. We subjectively feel one time longer when we think of it as negative, while we feel the other time shorter when we think of it as positive, even if both time is objectively same. Then, we tend to imagine as if the suffering time continues forever. But, seeing microscopically, the situation is changing moment by moment. We can not see the difference between yesterday's situation and today's one, but the difference between one-year or five-years-ago situation and today's one might be extremely large. Could you expect today's change one or five years ago? Even tough things would lose color and break down in 10 years. Still more, our mind changes every second or minute. For example, even when we feel angry, in many cases, anger will begin cooling down in a few seconds. Even preference for things or liking for persons is not unchangeable. If we know Mu-jo (mutability), we can enjoy ourselves in here now.

February 19, 2019

After Reading Takuan: Part 27 不動智神妙録を読んで27


The consciousness of ours essentially wanders. When we realize, we ruminate about the past and worry about the future. The important thing is trying to be free from this rumination and worry, and be here now. That is Zen, or mindfulness as the core of Buddhism. Takuan asserted, do not be caught by the past but throw it away. Of course, this does not mean we never need to reflect on any failure and mistake of the past. It is important to confront failures and mistakes and consider what we can do to avoid them. At this time, it is all right to consider it intentionally just when we try to do it. But we unintentionally tend to make our mind wander unconsciously and ever continue regretting the failures and mistakes of the past unknowingly, though we have a thing to do here now. Worry of the future is also similar to this. Our mind is unconsciously attached to the past and future. We should be free from this unconscious automatism, be aware of thinking about the past and future, and be in the present mindfully. This is perfect freedom.

February 16, 2019

After Reading Takuan: Part 26 不動智神妙録を読んで26


If you swim against the hard muddy stream, you could not stand the water pressure and might be destroyed by it. If you try to stay there forcibly, you would fight and knock against the current. Rather, you should not make an intentional stand nor struggle, but catch and go with the flow. If so, you would not collide with the water and then you would be safe. But remember, going with the flow in this way is different from just being carried away by the flow. It is not to behave thoughtlessly as requested or depending on your momentary desires. Observe the scene, overlook the whole, consider the situation, and go with the flow consciously. With awareness, perceive the here-now vector, do not go against it but go toward the destination it points. Nobody knows which direction is correct. But at least, the flow follows the Tao. The Tao also can be said to be the Dharma. Abandon the attachment to self, read the flow with mindful eyes, then you can see the correct direction.

February 11, 2019

After Reading Takuan: Part 25 不動智神妙録を読んで25


Not be here now by trying to be here new, but just be here now naturally. This is ultimate. Likewise, not do fine by trying to do fine, but just do fine naturally. Not win by trying to win, but just win naturally. If anybody is always tension by bracing his/her nerves, nobody will be able to keep his/her health. Additionally, if you are too tension and stiff, you can not move freely. In order to exert your utmost ability, be relaxed softly and ready to cope with any situation. It is necessary to both concentrate on and look over these difficulties with the unattached clear mind for coping with them quickly. That is, concentrate and relax. This is the secret. Takuan stated that, practitioners should keep their mind and be here now intentionally at the beginning, but later what they should do ultimately is to release their mind and be here now naturally. That is just a state to be concentrating and relaxing. To actualize or try to actualize this seemingly opposite and contradict state with your entire mind and body is Budo as well as Zen.

February 07, 2019

After Reading Takuan: Part 24 不動智神妙録を読んで24


Something wrong happens at work or family-life. That problem appears in front of you as "a problem," but you can not necessarily see all reasons to cause the problem. Someone consults with you about his/her trouble. That trouble are talked to you as "a trouble," but he/she can not necessarily know all reasons to cause the trouble. If your attention are caught by only the problem or trouble itself, you would not be able to see the essence and reach any solution. If you want to grasp the essence, you need to overlook the whole. Takuan quoted the words "let the mind go." Letting the mind go enables you to grasp the problems or troubles multidirectionally and multifacetedly. It is similar to letting the mind wander softly like water. If you keep your mind soft like water, you would never be caught by biased viewpoints or thoughts. The ability to focus all of your power on a point to deal with is, of course, important. But, remember that if you do not have a skill to leave from it freely, you often would be stuck to one thought or would see it only from one side.

February 03, 2019

After Reading Takuan: Part 23 不動智神妙録を読んで23


Understand everything is Ku (vanity or emptiness), and throw away the attachment to Ku because everything is Ku. This is what Takuan stated. Concerning every activities as well as marital arts, being absorbed in it often results in good results or high performance. In psychology, this state is called "flow." Flow is near "san-mai" in Buddhism. That is, both means the state of self-effacement to be perfectly as here now. But, this state of self-effacement sometimes brings a feeling of ecstasy or omnipotence. This is all right in sports and jobs. But, it is a little bad in discipline. Mistaking these feelings of ecstasy and omnipotence for enlightenment is called "ma-kyo,"  which is strictly cautioned in Zen Buddhism. Do not go to ma-kyo, but remain existing here now. In order to be in that way, always keep the eye of open monitoring. Throw everything away, but do not forget yourself. Be freely here now with awareness. Not be attached to anything, attain san-mai in the here-now activity. If it is discipline, you need to be aware of it.

January 29, 2019

After Reading Takuan: Part 22 不動智神妙録を読んで22


Concentration is important. But, we can not exceed a limit only by concentration. For example, we want to manage our emotion of anger well. In interpersonal relationships, we tend to remain angry by thinking about an opponent's blame, responsibility, and malice. If we try to manage this feeling by mindfulness, we should direct attention back to our own breath, ascertain that we are here now, and keep being not caught up in the restless waves of thoughts. This is concentration cultivated by focused attention meditation. It exhibits a significant effect by itself. But, if big waves surge many times, our concentration would reach a limit sooner or later, and we would be unknowingly buffeted by the rough waves. Then, we need to have an ability to monitor the waves as well as ourselves with awareness. Compared to what Takuan stated, it is like looking out the window calmly and steadily at the released cat in front of a sparrow. But this ability to monitor openly can not be developed before gaining the ability to focus attention. Don't fail to follow this order.

January 25, 2019

After Reading Takuan: Part 21 不動智神妙録を読んで21


Mindfulness meditation (Buddhism meditation) consists of two aspects or two steps. These are shikan; shi-gyo and kan-gyo, the former is focused attention meditation (samatha) and the latter open monitoring meditation (vipassana). Attaining awareness through meditation is the essence of Buddhism, and then their practice means executing shi and kan continuously. Here, the first thing they do is to develop concentration by shi-gyo. Concretely speaking, what they do is to continue directing consciousness on breathing. Based on this concentration, they would extend their consciousness to not only breathing but also all over the body. At this time, they should not be attached to anywhere, but monitor the whole body openly. This is kan-gyo. "Kei" stated by Takuan is just an attitude in shi-gyo, that is to say, the first half or the base of Buddhism meditation. Essentially, then they need to transfer from shi-gyo to kan-gyo. Concentration is indispensable. But, we can not understand the world in a right way only by concentration. Just observing the world with no bias enables us to attain awareness.

January 08, 2019

After Reading Takuan: Part 20 不動智神妙録を読んで20


We usually do something with the intention of doing it. For example, we raise our hand with the intention of raising it. In a case of fighting, we punch the enemy by the intention of punching him/her. We cut the enemy down by the intention of cutting him/her down. But, Takuan cautioned against this. He explained, it is a master or expert in the way who have done something with no intention when he/she must do it. The thought to intend to do itself is an obstacle, and prevents us from moving naturally and smoothly. Actually, the more strongly we want to punch an opponent, the more tense we become, and then we can not punch him/her strongly. Therefore, it is ideal to have punched him/her without an intentional thought to "punch." in reality, such intentional thought is not necessary for our soma. Researchers has found experimentally that our brain has generated a signal to raise the hand immediately before we have the thought to do it. We just have an illusion to make ourselves think that we move our hand of our own free will. Let go of the will (or "I") to intend to do something. That is the aim of Budo as well as Buddhism.