January 06, 2012

Kata is Bible


Various techniques are embedded in kata. Besides, the methods to manipulate one's own body to complete these techniques are complexly incorporated into kata. Additionally, a certain move in kata has different meanings depending on interpretation, and applicably broadens into various kinds of techniques. Then, kata of karate is something like a bible or text, and we can derive lots from kata. One of the pleasures of karate discipline is such interpretation of kata and discovery of techniques. Metaphorically speaking, as if philosophy researchers interpret texts of philosophers and derive a lot of meanings from them, karateka interpret katas and derive a lot of techniques from them. Of course, the numbers of techniques derived from a move are limited, and some moves do not allow us to interpret them variously, but generally the variation of interpretation is wide, and it also varies according to the level of mastering. Since kata has these characteristics, it is not the fact that moves in kata themselves simply get useful on actual scenes. Kata is a system in which the methods of body manipulation for effectiveness of the techniques are embedded, and practitioners of karate impregnate their own body with them by practicing kata repeatedly. Besides, the impregnated body manipulation is necessary to work naturally according to actual different situations. As a result, it is natural that actual moves are not as moves in kata.

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