July 14, 2012

Founders of Schools and Technical Differences between Schools


Karate was essentially a vague culture of martial arts not only without strict boundaries of schools but also with wholly transmission of techniques by word of mouth. We can imagine that this easiness enabled Kenwa Mabuni sensei to learn both shuri-te and naha-te. Then, the techniques of shuri-te and naha-te might have been changing with the times, because all of them are passed down from masters to disciples only through their bodies. It is just under Okinawan "teegee." Therefore, the technical differences between schools today can be attributed to the differences of bodily (and sensory) understanding between school founders, each of who was a higher disciple of Itosu Anko sensei or Kanryo Higaon'na sensei. Historically, te (tiy) as the culture of martial arts developing in Okinawa includes an aspect that accept a change very much, and that is why today a lot of karateka actively leave from their master and found their own school. Shito-ryu and Okinawa Goju-ryu are a little different from each other in their same katas of naha-te. On the other hand, the katas of shuri-te in shito-ryu are different from the ones in okinawa shorin-ryu concerning the details of movements and usages. Seemingly, the shotokan-ryu founder Funakoshi sensei's shuri-te has his striking originality, different from te of disciples of Itosu sensei, though, it may be because Funakoshi sensei is a disciple of Anri Anko sensei. Then, the katas of shotokan-ryu has a lot of points different from the ones of other schools. In sum, we can guess that these differences of techniques between schools today might be entirely based on the differences of comprehension led by the physical (bodily sensational) differences of founders who were leading disciples of shuri-te or naha-te masters in the last half of 19 centuries.

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