June 26, 2014

Root or Center 根あるいは芯


In martial arts, it is necessary to have the root or center of the body. Then, in Budo as the way through martial arts, vividly feeling this root or center of the body is just being mindful here and now. In here, there is an origin in that an art can become a way. In martial arts, we set koshi-hara the lower abdomen and back, at which shimo tanden is, as the center of the body, stand steadily on the ground by the lower half of the body or the two legs, and put the upper half of the body gently on the lower half. It is just like plants such as trees or flowers, which become rooted in the ground and grow straight towards the sky. The central axis of the body, which seems like the trunk or stem, is regarded as a core, on which we firmly spread our roots downward and freely spread our branches upward. Of course, being rooted in the ground means in martial arts not being stuck on the ground but having stability, with which our posture does not lose balance when we perform any technique against the opponent. In this way, we martial artists cultivate our root and center. To cultivate our root and center is to feel them. Conversely, as for the practice of martial arts, it must be more effective to cultivate ourselves with vividly feeling our own body rather than without feeling. It is a superficial art that we exercise ourselves in external movements only, with no attention paid to the internal sensations of our own body. It can be said that making, feeling, developing, raising, cultivating, polishing, and elaborating our own root or center is the essential nature of martial arts practice. Then, this very state of vividly feeling our own root and center is a state of being mindful here now. Seeking for nowness of the body is Budo. Nowness of the body means that we feel our own body is here now, or our own root and center is here now. We are here now with the abdomen and lower back as our own center. In this way, the practice of Budo is essentially mindful as it is, so its nature of arts can be ready to become the "way" as Zen. If a person gives weight on the pursuit of arts themselves, he/she is considered as a martial artist, while if he/she gives weight on the pursuit of nowness of the body, he/she is considered as a Budo-ka, or a Zen practitioner.

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