October 31, 2013

Mirror 鏡


Essentially, we had better not practice budo with watching ourselves in the mirror. It is certain that sometimes we observe ourselves reflected in a large-mirror to check our own moves. But, when we polish katas, for example, it may be undesirable as the practice of budo to do that with watching our own figure in the mirror. It is because the mirror makes us observe our own body, from the outside or the viewpoint of others, in a plane and inorganic way. During the practice of budo, that is, the practice of katas, it is important to observe our own body from the inside in a steric and organic way, and feel all parts of the body evenly and vividly. Otherwise, we could not identify the body as ours. We should seek for the way to a look on the body without distinction between the view of ourselves and others, inside and outside, and subjectivity and objectivity, as we begin to see ourselves from the inside viewpoint of ourselves, and then gradually, naturally, and additionally see ourselves from the outside one of others. But, the objective viewpoint can be easily obtained by a physical mirror, and such easily aroused objectivity should disappear easily. Not to mention, if we only observed ourselves in the mirror all the time, mainly mere cheap objectivity toward ourselves would be kept, while a look on our own body would never be deepened. Considering that how we feel our own body is one of the important points in the practice of budo, we should treat a tool called mirror in a wiser way.

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