May 04, 2011

Purpose of the Practice of Budo


何事も 打ち忘れたり ひたすらに 武の島さして 漕ぐが楽しき (摩文仁賢和 糸東流開祖)

If a budo-ka (martial artist) was asked why he did his practice on budo, he could not but reply that ultimately he did for nothing. Practicing budo is not for beating down the enemy in a street fighting. Also, it is not for winning such a competitive game as randori (free fighting) or kata-enbu (kata performance). That is to say, the purpose of budo is not to compete with others for win and loss, or strength and weakness. Though practicing budo may result in becoming stronger as compared with others, the relative strength itself is not the purpose of budo. Though it strengthens muscles and develops such abilities as concentration, insight, and judgement, these profits are just secondary products, not the ultimate goals. Though it has a role to inherit the traditional culture of martial arts, the inheritance itself is not the purpose. It's for nothing. Practicing budo is nothing but practicing budo, like zazen.

nanigotomo uchiwasuretari hitasurani bunoshimasasite kogugatanoshiki  (Kenwa Mabuni, the patriarch of Shito-ryu)

[interpretation] When I dismiss everything from my mind and entirely practice karate in order to find the ultimate state of martial arts is my favorite and happiest time.

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