November 25, 2018

After Reading Takuan: Part 15 不動智神妙録を読んで15


In martial arts, practicing Kata is the true form of its training. It is the original practice of martial arts that is, through practicing Kata, to experience the body of ancient great masters at the present moment and change our own body into the body of martial arts. In doing this, for example, we must not focus on only the fist when we do an act of punching. The act of punching can not be executed before the whole body from top to toe works totally. In this way, being aware of the whole body and practicing kata by feeling the coordinating body refines the training of a punch. Kata contains various mechanisms of the body coordination. Kata is the embodiment of somatic knowledge cultivated by ancient martial artists, and tracing it carefully enables our body to become marital gradually. Therefore, in the practice of martial arts, focus attention to the cosmos of the inner body. But, never keep consciousness on anywhere, while distribute consciousness over everywhere. Consistently continuing such practice as this leads naturally to the softer state in which we have a consciousness attached to nothing. Then, similarly in everyday life, your mind will become soft and non-attached. This is Budo.

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