December 31, 2017

After Reading Lao Tsu: Chapter 46 老子:第四六章を読んで


The more you desire to get, the more you lose. Desires have no limits. So, even if the desires are satisfied temporarily, the satisfaction will eventually disappear, and you will have even bigger desires. In that way, actually, desires never be fulfilled eternally, and then sufferings last forever. Sufferings do not come from others, but from yourself. Gain is loss. It seems crazy that you bother losing intentionally. If so, you have only not to desire to get more. Rather, the best things to do is to lose. This is the secret of Zen.

December 23, 2017

After Reading Lao Tsu: Chapter 45 老子:第四五章を読んで


When you are at the base of an extremely big mountain, you are not aware that the mountain is there. When you live on an enormously big island, you forget that you live on the island. Similarly, concerning a mighty strong person, no one can notice that he/she is strong. Concerning an infinitely compassionate person, no one can notice that he/she is compassionate. It is because truly strong and compassionate persons never display their strength and compassion, like mountains and islands. They exist there naturally like air. In that way, people of martial arts quietly serve for others.

December 19, 2017

After Reading Lao Tsu: Chapter 44 老子:第四四章を読んで


Human beings unintentionally have too much desires, but it makes them work too hard and sometimes eventually lose their health. Early death due to it would seem really worthless. As if we unintentionally consume too much salt and sugar, we unintentionally seek too much wealth and fame too. As if too much salt and sugar make us sick, being caught up in too much wealth and fame eventually affects our health. People of Zen and the Tao are aware of this mechanism. Therefore, they do not get greedy. It is because greed leads to harm in the end. Accordingly, those who are on the true martial way never get greedy.

December 11, 2017

After Reading Lao Tsu: Chapter 43 老子:第四三章を読んで


It is not that you intend to do something in a particular and forcible way, but that you are changing freely with the flow of where you are, and find yourself controlling the situation around you. This is the truth of genuine strength. If you push something forcibly, it naturally would react against you. However, if you do something with the flow, it would be done as if by itself. It is not that you simply keep your mind straight, while it is not also that you simply obey your opponent's mind. You are with the flow of another mind beyond both yourself and your opponent. That is Wu Wei Zi Ran like water.

December 02, 2017

After Reading Lao Tsu: Chapter 42 老子:第四二章を読んで


The world is made up of Yin and Yang. If you get something forcibly, then you will make a loss; if you force someone to do, then you will trigger a protest. It would be appropriate that you modestly step backward, not step forward assertively, but rather have an attitude to wait. You should not twist the enemy down with your all strength in order to make him/her surrender by force, but wait for and harmonize with his/her power. It is not that "I" do something in the world, but that the world including "me" is done by itself. That naturally being, which is called "Un-i" by Dogen, is the Tao as well as Zen. There is harmony of "oneness" there.