August 27, 2016

Respecting Others: Sportsmen and Budo-ka 他者を尊重する:スポーツマンと武道家















Sports is defined as physical activities in which players compete with each other by following both certain specific rules and judgments of referees based on the rules. The activities are "play" called games. Participants in a play named sports come to have positive emotions like pleasure, joy, comfort, delight, and happiness, when each of them aims to win and bounces skills off each other, on a shared understanding that they must follow the rules and judges of the play. In order to get such positive emotions, we engage in the sport and participate in the game.

Of course, some kinds of activities were often called "sports" in a broad sense, which are health-oriented without win and lose, and in which players (participants) aim to fulfill the goals they set on their own or improve on their own record, for example, like running, weight training, and so on. But, here, we call them "exercise." Therefore, when we talk about "sports," the most necessary condition for the conceptual definition of them is that the game players compete with others for the win. Then, for deciding the battle, there are strict rules and judges with the game.

The most part of positive emotional effects of sports is obtained by conquering the opponents, and the important thing, at that time, is that each of participants should follow the rules and judges. Players never feel positive emotions before they compete with and defeat the opponents under the fair condition that each of them follow the rules and judges. A victory gained by their own dishonest actions makes them feel no positive emotions. Therefore, the important thing for participating in sports is respecting the rules and judges of games, which also means playing fair.

We have the word "sportsmanship." This word means behaviors or attitudes of people who play sports. So, concretely, what kinds of behaviors or attitudes does sportsmanship mean?

Analyzing some definitions in Western countries enables us to resolve the concept "sportsmanship" into roughly the following elements. The first is to follow the rules of the game, the second is to follow the decisions of the judges, and the third is to respect the opponents. The definition often includes a mental or psychological aspect, which seems to be difficult to understand, that participants play fair, though, from a wider viewpoint, it can be thought that this aspect is embraced in such concrete behaviors that they follow the rules and judges.

If so, when people play sports, the abstract (mental or psychological) part that is relatively hard to understand is the third one, which is to respect their opponents. The core of the definition of sports is to compete with opponents for winning. Players have to respect their opponents that they compete with, defeat, or show their superiority. This seemingly contradictory behaviors or attitudes is just the central essence of sports.

Why is this seemingly contradictory thesis the central essence of sports? The reason is simple and clear. It is because, as for the activities of sports, the game itself could not be realized on earth if the players did not have their opponents. For example, a certain kind of physical activity like swinging a racket or bat, as exercises, leads to some extent of physical positive emotions, though, it does not bring such positive emotions that sports bring. For acquiring positive emotions originated by "sports," players need opponents that are eager to compete with and earnestly gain a victory over them under the same rules and judges. Otherwise, the game would not be established. Therefore, in sports, players must respect their "opponents," which is an absolute prerequisite.

Sports are "play." That is especially why each of players need to have common understanding and agreement in the game. Additionally, in order to realize that "play" and continuously cause positive emotion, it is necessary to continuously have opponents that intend to do the same sports. That is the reason why players respect each other.

From the viewpoint that players respect opponents, for example, if you were defeated by your opponents (you were losers), you would not be so happy to see your opponents that show a flare of delight by the fact that they won the game. If so, too expressive behaviors by which winners show their pleasure would not be respectful to opponents that are losers. On the other hand, if you beaten the opponents (you were winners), you would not be so glad to watch opponents (losers) that are frustrated with and shout curses at you and the fact they lost the game. If so, too expressive behaviors by which losers show their vexation would not be respectful to opponents that are winners.

In this way, sports require players to respect opponents for their competing with each other fairly whenever they win or lose. Players are expected to show gratitude to opponents that played the game together (competed themselves earnestly). Such behaviors and attitudes represent sportsmanship. And then, from this viewpoint, we can say that sportsmen are persons who have acquired such behaviors and attitudes.

Not only it is no wonder that the sportsmen show their sportsmanship in a game, but also we can easily imagine that they display their sportsmanship, which has been developed in sports, even in everyday life except for the game. Sports themselves are "play," but if educational and character-building meanings are included in sports, it would be important how sportsmen show behaviors and attitudes that embody sportsmanship except in a situation of doing sports. In the other words, the behaviors and attitudes are the ones by which sportsmen respect other people that live together in their society, according to the society's rules, norms, morals, and laws. Here is an educational meaning of sports.

Many sports associations that call their physical activity "Budo" often advocate that they make much of courtesy for opponents of competition, and emphasize that the mind to respect others is cultivated by doing their sport. But, that point is an element of sportsmanship, not one specific for the game called "Budo." The attitude to respect others is not limited within "Budo," but should be developed spontaneously even by football, baseball, tennis, gymnastics, and the forth, if players understand sportsmanship correctly.

"Budo" is essentially Zen through martial arts. Or, it can be thought to be the way to the Tao. Pursuing the zen mind or the Tao via martial arts is Budo. Such pursuit of the mind of Zen and the Tao eventually results in cultivation of the mind of not being stuck to win and loss, not comparing yourself with other people, being free from being in captivity by "me, " and being connected with the world including other people. Additionally, Touching the Tao leads to having the soft mind of not fighting with other people. These minds of Zen and Tao are embodied in the behaviors and attitudes of respecting others.

In this way, sportsmen and Budo-ka are exactly same in terms of respecting others, but entirely different from each other in the background or logic of why they respect others. From this point, Budo is never sports. Both of them have the same output, but exactly the different process or logic approaching to it. Therefore, people who (think that they) practice "Budo" literally in a real sense or who (think that they) teach "Budo" must not misunderstand this point.

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