How should our mind be as budoka? Budo is not just marital arts, or it does not have fighting skills only. Budo is marital "ways," or Zen through practicing combative techniques. Therefore, budoka seek to live in Zenic way. Who are willing to live on Zen philosophy is budoka. If so, we would seek to have our mind be in Zenic way. Be in Zen means that we are not stuck to one thing, but directed on everything. It seems to be ever-flowing mind like water. It is not guaranteed at all that learning budo immediately gets you have water mind. But, the attitude that we seek to have our mind like water is the way of life as budoka. Being stuck to a certain emotion or thought, putting it in a way of budo, leads to death. It is of vital importance not to be a slave to a certain emotion or thought. Not being stuck to emotions and thoughts never means suppressing them. It also does not mean wandering in mind with involuntarily giving attentions to every emotions and thoughts incessantly coming up to mind. It is leaving from them and getting rid of them. Mindful state of mind, which is like water, changing freely, flowing freely, not stagnating at a place, everywhere and nowhere, is the way of life as a budoka.
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