April 06, 2012

Similarity between Shuri-te and Naha-te


It is said that there are differences between shuri-te and naha-te in the distance from enemies, the attitudes toward breathing and tension of the body, the body manipulation techniques, and so on. Hence, some karateka think that it is impossible to learn both shuri-te and naha-te. But, on fighting, it is necessary to cope with various distances of enemies according to their position and move. Enemies do not wait for us who think and say that the distance between they and ourselves is broad or narrow. We should learn techniques to cope with their offences which are given to us at any distance. Precisely, on facing with enemies, the actual offence and defense is taken in a moment within the range that we can reach and touch them by hands and feet. If so, the difference in distance between shuri-te and naha-te is slight, not the one which is impossible to be learned together. Besides, the bases of body manipulation are breathing and tension of the body similarly for shuri-te and naha-te, and it is better to practice them consciously from the beginning. Though both of them may be different in minor parts of body techniques from each other, there may be major core techniques common to both as fighting arts developed in Okinawa. If we assumed that, shuri-te and naha-te should not be distinguished from each other by deciding at the beginning that each of them have different methods and theories respectively. Rather, both of them must be sublimated into te by pursuing the common theories of them and fusing their techniques together. Here is the original meaning and responsibility of the existence of Shito-ryu, which has been found and developed by Kenwa Mabuni sensei who was an Okinawan karateka.

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