For instance, whether a young person select kendo, judo, or karate may depend on his/her personal likes and dislikes. But, judo and kendo are popularized as classes or extracurricular activities in Junior and high school, and then very famous and have a lot of players in Japan. As a result, at the present day, the activities of judo and kendo are sports for competitions, that is, they have too much characteristic as not budo but one of pure sports. Of course, there are some, but probably not much sensible budo-ka (martial artists) who think what yawara (ju) or ken is, search after it, and teach it to their students. On the other hand, karate has a little difference situation from judo and kendo. Karate has less sophisticated atmosphere than any other martial artistic sports, because it seems not to prevail among school education so much as judo and kendo. In other words, karate may seem to keep having more mysterious budoism than any other highly organized and systematized sports like judo and kendo.
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