August 31, 2018

After Reading Takuan: Part 5 不動智神妙録を読んで5


We human beings have analytic thinking and holistic thinking. These are thinking styles different in cultures, which researchers suggested. The former, which is assumed to be Western, means to focus on the parts of a thing, while the latter, which is assumed to be Eastern, means to focus on the whole of the thing. This distinction is related to the idea that Westerners place importance on individuality, while Easterners place importance on community. It is also said that Westerners have an independent self, while Easterners have an interdependent self. Some people ridicule such Eastern collectivism as lack of individuality. Indeed, it would also have harmful influences on us. But Takuan said, when we are caught by the parts, the whole could not work well (we could not see the whole well). Senju-Kannon (Buddhist Goddess with thousand arms) is not stuck in one of her hands, and then she can use all of her thousand hands well. The important thing is not to be attached to the parts but to have a perspective to overview the whole. Even Easterners do not innately have this inclination to see the whole. That is a wisdom for them to live better, which has been cultivated in a climate of the East, east Asia, or Japan, for a long time. Do not forget this important wisdom.

August 24, 2018

After Reading Takuan: Part 4 不動智神妙録を読んで4


When we get stuck in something like emotions or thoughts, we unconsciously pursue them. Then, thoughts and feelings come to mind one after another, as if it is an association game. Or, same thoughts and feelings recur in mind endlessly, as if it is a video or music played in an infinite loop. It is just like a horse or monkey running around restlessly, metaphorically speaking in Buddhism. It is also one of psychological factors that prolong stress. It can be said that we seem to be falling in a kind of auto-intoxication (self-poisoning). We can easily imagine that getting stuck in something in this way leads to getting blinded to other things of it and paying no attention enough to cope with them. Takuan compared this to 10 cutting enemies. If our mind is captured by the first enemy, we unintentionally would follow the enemy forever, and then be cut down by the second one. Therefore, we should deal with but not be fixed on each of the enemies, Takuan explained. We should not be stuck in something, but respond to the here-now situation in front of us with all our spirit. That is as if we completely become the here-now.

August 15, 2018

After Reading Takuan: Part 3 不動智神妙録を読んで3


"Fudo-chi" indicates unstuck mind. Fudo is not to freeze and "unmove," in other words, stay down at a place (itsuku in Japanese). But, Fudo means to be "unmoved" by anything. We human beings unintentionally tend to be distracted and moved by something. We tend to keep particularly something wrong in mind, like shilly-shallying. On the other hands, we often remain deep in such temptations as pleasures and luxuries, and can not escape from them. We sometimes become aware that we are constantly stuck in something, and our mind are restlessly swinging here and there. That is the mind of human being as an ordinary unenlightened existence. Takuan explained that the fierce and furious appearance of Fudo-Myoo, which fights off everything, is a symbol of keeping out all of things that catch, drag about, and confuse our mind. If attaining to the state of Fudo-chi is the aim of Buddhism, it is to have the mind which is never stuck in anything like Fudo-Myoo. The appearance of fierce warrior having a sward embodies the flexible mind which is unmoved by anything and free from everything.