July 25, 2018

After Reading Takuan: Part 2 不動智神妙録を読んで2


When we confront an enemy, we would get stuck in various things. There are innumerable things like what kind of person he/she is, how he/she will use the sword, from what distance he/she will step forward, or at what timing he/she will. It is being stuck that we want to control ourselves as well as to know the opponent. In any case, immediately after we get stuck in a thing, we will not pay any attention to the other things. Takuan explained that, If so, we will lose as a result. When we are not aware of our mind, it tends to unconsciously get stuck in something, and unintentionally chase it only. Mindfulness is, based on concentration with which we are not dragged by anything automatically, to observe the whole gently and evenly without paying attention to a certain thing only. That is the core of Buddhism which the Buddha showed us, and the state to which Zen directs us. It is not to be stuck in the past and the future, but to observe the "here-now" reality in front of us. It is not to be stuck in a certain thing "here-now" but to observe the whole. For reducing stress, smoothing interpersonal relationships, and achieving goals successfully, this is the secret.

July 15, 2018

After Reading Takuan: Part 1 不動智神妙録を読んで1


Mindfulness is "simply observing the experience at the present moment with intentional awareness, no judgement, and no captivity." It means letting go of all of attachments and being unintentionally natural with no judgments, while being aware of yourself. When we are captured by a certain attachment, we get involved with and swayed by it. Such galloping mind is wandering in the past and the future. This will often become a source of stress. Takuan stated that, when you confront an enemy, you should not make your mind get stuck in the enemy's sword. Actually, you see the cutting sword, but you can not move well if you are stuck in that only. Therefore, he said that you do not be stuck in the opponent's sword, not make such a distinction as evaluation or judgement, but just respond naturally to him/her. Takuan, the Zen monk of Rinzai school, explained that the secret of swordsmanship is just to be mindful, and mindfulness is the core concept to be in a way of Buddhism or Zen. That also is, from the viewpoint of modern society, the secret of stress reduction.

July 06, 2018

After Reading Lao Tsu: Chapter 81 老子:第八一章を読んで


People who look showy, use words cleverly, or seem wise overtly are, though understandable, perhaps not genuine. The genuine who practices martial arts will eliminate waste, be completely simple, and contribute to others and society unselfishly. If these acts were loss, losing would be said to be a state of Zen. Budo-ka, who are like water which runs down to a low place, do not have a conflict with others because they are connected to the Tao. They do not fight with others, and they gently live long. Thus, Budo is the way to become a flexible fool.

After Reading Lao Tsu: Chapter 80 老子:第八〇章を読んで


The species of human beings unintentionally have a desire to become great in size and number. It is because we generally believe that largeness and numerousness is stronger. Our society tries to multiply since we regard the development and expansion as good. But, when the society becomes too large, it will have trouble moving as a whole. When it become too numerous, it will make contradictions and conflicts inside. In such a way, both diplomatically and domesticallyit will end in a breakdown. If the true strength was to survive flexibly, the strongest would be to be united small in size and number, regard the conciseness and simpleness as good, and not contend inside and outside.