Budo-ka are people who devote themselves to living in zen-like or mindful manner. In order for them to be like that, they try to cultivate mindfulness everyday through martial arts, and apply it for becoming mindful at everything in their daily life. If a person is a kado-ka, a practitioner of Japanese flower arrangement, he/she would aim to develop mindfulness everyday by using ka (flowers) and be mindful in everyday life. If he/she is a shodo-ka, a practitioner of Japanese calligraphy, he/she would use sho (challigraphy) to develop mindfulness. If a sado-ka, a practitioner of Japanese tea ceremony, he/she would use sa (tea). All "do"s (ways, roads) lead to zen as well as mindfulness.
Therefore, "something-do-ka" means people who want to be mindful with that "something." It is consequently said that, for example, under the category of the arts called budo, kyudo-ka use kyu, kendo-ka use ken, judo-ka use ju (yawara), and karate-ka use karate, for cultivating mindfulness.
But, how many practitioners of martial arts are there that have understood this? Though they themselves practice kyu-jutsu (jutsu in Japanese means "arts" or "techniques"), ken-jutsu, ju-jutsu, and karate-jutsu, can it be said that they practice kyu-do. ken-do, ju-do, and karate-do? If they did not understand the meaning of "do," what is really "do" for them? How do they distinguish between "jutsu" and "do"? Is the distinction unnecessary for them?
Of course, there is no choice between an interest in "jutsu" and "do." It is natural that some people train "bujutsu (martial arts)," while other people cultivate "budo." But if they call themselves "budo-ka," they should think over the meaning of "do" and the meaning that they are not "bujutsu-ka" but "budo-ka" and then name themselves "budo-ka." They should ask themselves which one they are. And then, it is clear that they should take care not to easily call themselves "budo-ka," if they really did not understand and polish "do."
But, practically, in terms of the meaning of the words, both can not be used clearly in distinction from each other. There is an academic society named Nihon Budo Gakkai (Japanese Society of Budo), and even this society has not decided the definition of "Budo" yet. It is even though "budo" is the society's name. But, such things are of common occurrence. Similarly, as for other constructs or organizations, we often can see unclear usages of the definitions.
Budo is zen. And then, the practice of budo means practicing martial arts as the way for approaching zen. Budo-ka are those who apply the practice to their life and always live their life in a zen manner while they are awake. Strictly, zen is not mindfulness. But, for easy understanding, it will be justified to consider zen as mindfulness. Budo-ka are those who devote themselves to living in a zen or mindful way.