Why do we wear dogi (gi) during the practice of martial arts or martial way? In terms of the functionality just for exercise itself, resent sports-wears like a sweat suit, a shirt, and pants, are superior on moisture-absorption and quick-drying property, and then might be more comfortable than gi. They are light and having soft feeling to the skin. Rather, gi style is hot and hindering the movements by sweat in summer, while it is shivery and paralyzing the movements with cold in winter. It is really nonfunctional.
Why do we wear this nonfunctional gi during the practice of martial arts or martial way? It is because we require that qi has the function of mental aspect rather than physical one. The reason for that we don't wear a sweat suit, a shirt and pants for everyday clothes or house dresses, but wear a jacket and pants of Japanese dress and fasten the jacket with an obi is that it plays a role of psychological "switch" that means from now we will start to practice traditional Japanese martial arts. If the practice is of "martial WAY" as well as "martial ARTS," wearing gi is a signal for ourselves that from now we will start to practice Zen honestly.
Various kinds of sports such as football, baseball, basketball, and the like have their own specific uniform. Competitions is to determine the winner or the loser fairly based on the rule, and then each players equally in the game should wear the uniform that is decided within the rule. Also, even during practice, high-functional sportswear specific for the sport is pursued, because today the uniform for each sport is designed extremely highly in terms of the function of physical activity. Of course, the fact that people wear the uniform specific for each sport might include the psychological function of switching, which means that from then they will start the sport. Simultaneously, they wear an uniform specific for the sport they play, fundamentally by the very rational reason that they work out with high-function sportswear.
On the other hand, what about martial arts or martial way? Do they have to wear hakama, which is a Japanese formal pleated and divided skirt, in order to shot a yumi (bow) or draw a sword? In Aikido, practitioners wear hakama after they become an expert (dan holder), though, does it have any meaning in terms of the functionality for physical exercises? Probably, hakama must be unnecessary or meaningless to take the trouble to wear, from the viewpoint of physical function. We can never think of wearing it as improving the quality of martial techniques.
The arts of martialness has been passed down from ancient times in Japan, and then people wear ancient-styled clothes in order to learn the ancient arts. This is one of cultural activities. In other words, practicing martial arts means passing down or inheriting a traditional culture. Culture is a kind of form. Gi is a vestige, which was a form of wear having a cutting-edge function for activities in previous times.
In sum, wearing gi means that it plays a role of psychological switch, which signs that, from now, we will start martial practice and therefore Zen practice along a culture (form) that has been passed down since old times. The reason why we wear gi, which is an irrational cloth in terms of physical functionality at the present day, therefore, is that we seek for this psychological switching. Otherwise, wearing gi would be something like a stage-managed performance, or merely cosplaying of a sumurai freak.
However, strictly speaking, karate in Okinawa was practiced with wearing everyday clothes at the time that it was called "te (ti, tiy)." The present gi style was borrowed from the Kodokan Judo style in modern times. Therefore, fundamentally, it is not necessary to wear gi in the practice of karate. We can not deny the historical background that karatekas in Meiji and Taisho eras established the gi style along Judo style as Japanese clothes, in order to place karate, which had originated in Okinawa, as one of the Japanese martial arts as traditional culture that was passed down from ancient times. But, considering that karate has a characteristic of martial way, that is, an essence of its zen practice, we can not also deny that the mental functionality of wearing gi has an extremely natural match with karate.