武道・武術に関する言論を眺めていると,しばしば「実戦」ということが議論になる。「実戦」とは何か。何に対する「実戦」なのか。ある人にとっては,「実戦」とは試合(競技)を指しており,ある人にとっては,「実戦」とはストリートファイト(街中での暴力的な危機)を指している。「武道は実戦的でなければならない」という言説さえもある。この場合,何に対する「実戦」を求めているのだろうか。海外ではしばしば,traditional martial artsとreality-based martial artsが区別される。前者は競技を目的とした武術的スポーツを含む伝統的な武術を広く指していて,後者は日常生活での護身術,セキュリティーサービスやボディガードの護衛術,さらには白兵戦における戦闘術を指している。traditional martial artsの中でも,試合(競技)を目的としているものにとって,「実戦」とはまさしく試合(競技)であろう。したがって,その場合,それは武道ではなく,あくまで武術的スポーツである。また,武道は確かに護身術として役立つ場合もあるが,護身術そのものではない。したがって,武道とはreality-based martial artsでもない。武道は,ここでいう「実戦」,すなわち,ストリートファイトにおける護身・護衛が第一義的な目的ではないからである。このように,本来の武道は,試合(競技)もストリートファイトも求めていない。試合(競技)はスポーツの範疇であるため,それを目的としていればそもそも武道ではない。つまり,厳密な意味での武道家が,試合(競技)を実戦と考えることは一切ない。もし仮に試合(競技)が実戦だと考えている「武道家」がいるとすれば,残念ながらその人は厳密な意味での武道家ではない。一方で,ストリートファイト(における護身・護衛)は武道の一つの副次的産物としては考えられ得る。武道の心得が,結果的に,護身や護衛に役立つことはあり得る。しかし,繰り返すが,武道は護身術そのものではない。確かに武道が含む技術体系は,実戦(この場合の「実戦」は,強いて現代社会に当てはめれば,試合よりはストリートファイト)を想定している。しかし,こうした実戦性は武道の一部分であり,全体ではない。つまり,武道は,単に実戦的であることのみを求めているわけではない。言い換えれば,何らかの特定の「実戦」を強調し目標とすること自体が,武道的ではないということである。
When we read the statements about budo and martial arts, we can see that they often discuss "jissen (actual fighting)." What is jissen? Where or at which is jissen considered to be? Some consider "jissen" to be at games (competitions), while others at street fights (violent crises on the street). Even there is a statement "Budo must be actual for fighting." In this case, what kind of "jissen" do they seek for? Once in a while, in western countries, traditional martial arts and reality-based martial arts are distinguished from each other. The former points to a broad range of traditional martial arts including martial artistic sports that aim for competitions as well, and the latter points to various types of techniques such as self-defense in everyday life, guards' skills in security, and combat skills in hand-to-hand fighting in a scene of war. One that primarily drives for competitions (games) between traditional martial arts may consider "jissen" to be undoubtedly competitions (games). In that case, consequently, that is not budo, but just martial artistic sports. On the other hand, though budo actually serves as self-defense in some cases, it is not self-defense itself. Hence, budo is not reality-based martial arts as well. It is because budo is not aiming primarily at, "jissen" called here, or self-defensing or guarding on the street fighting. In this way, the primary budo aims for neither competitions (games) nor street fights. Because competitions (games) are included in sports, if an art aims for them, precisely it is not budo. That is, budoka in the strict sense would never think of competitions (games) as jissen. If a self-proclaimed "budoka" think like that, unfortunately he/she would not be a real budoka in the strict sense. On the other hand, (self-defense and guard on) street fighting would be considered to be as one of the available application of budo. Bodily knowledge of budo is likely to result in the effectiveness in self-defense or guard on the street. But, again, budo is not the art of self-defense itself. Surely, technical systems budo includes is based on jissen, which would be supposed to be street fights rather than competitions (games), if we dare to apply "jissen" in this case to the modern society. But, this property for actual fighting is not all but a part of budo. Budo is not aiming for only being actual. In other words, emphasizing and aiming for a particular thing as actual itself does not come up to budo.
A Japanese psychologist and mindful martial artist, SHINTARO YUKAWA's personal essays on martial arts and ways as well as mindfulness, Zen and Tao, written both in Japanese and English. I will explore here the truth and quintessence of martial arts and ways, and hope you will know and share them. マインドフル・マーシャル・アーツ:禅とタオ (湯川進太郎・身体心理学)
December 29, 2012
December 24, 2012
Polishing the self through kata to be aware of being here now
Practicing budo is to be aware that we are just being while nothingness. Accordingly, everyday practices of budo never has any future concrete aims. Budoka should devote themselves exclusively to the "practice" of their martial arts. They are entirely polishing kata forever. It is budo that is to polish the self as the body through kata to the end of life and world.
Practicing budo is to be aware that we are just being while nothingness. Accordingly, everyday practices of budo never has any future concrete aims. Budoka should devote themselves exclusively to the "practice" of their martial arts. They are entirely polishing kata forever. It is budo that is to polish the self as the body through kata to the end of life and world.
December 18, 2012
Aware of just being here now
Budoka must know that he/she himself/herself just exists with his/her own body that exists here now. Hence, practicing budo is a methodology to know that we just exist here now with our own body. It is important to be clearly aware of being here now, not being in the past or future, not being there or over there. We simply exist. And then, simply existing is ultimately identical with non-existing. Being and nothingness ultimately have no difference with each other. Therefore, living as budoka is to become aware of just being and just nothingness.
Budoka must know that he/she himself/herself just exists with his/her own body that exists here now. Hence, practicing budo is a methodology to know that we just exist here now with our own body. It is important to be clearly aware of being here now, not being in the past or future, not being there or over there. We simply exist. And then, simply existing is ultimately identical with non-existing. Being and nothingness ultimately have no difference with each other. Therefore, living as budoka is to become aware of just being and just nothingness.
December 11, 2012
The Essence of Living as Budoka
What is the essence of living as budoka? If a person is not a budoka and asked what the essence of living is for him/her, he/she must say something like purposes of living in answer to the question. For example, it may be traveling the whole world, eating something delicious, getting married with a person whom he/she is in love with, winning honor or status, and making money. However, all of them are simply desires of human beings, that is, dramatizations or decorations constructed as games in this world. According to Zen, these are all "shiki" (which means matters or forms in Japanese), while actually these are all "kuu" (which means nothingness or emptiness in Japanese). In a word, these are the purposeful, not the essential. Budoka is a Zen practitioner, and Zen practitioners should have a proper understanding of this structure. The essence of living as budoka is to be aware of this structure and conscious of the here now.
What is the essence of living as budoka? If a person is not a budoka and asked what the essence of living is for him/her, he/she must say something like purposes of living in answer to the question. For example, it may be traveling the whole world, eating something delicious, getting married with a person whom he/she is in love with, winning honor or status, and making money. However, all of them are simply desires of human beings, that is, dramatizations or decorations constructed as games in this world. According to Zen, these are all "shiki" (which means matters or forms in Japanese), while actually these are all "kuu" (which means nothingness or emptiness in Japanese). In a word, these are the purposeful, not the essential. Budoka is a Zen practitioner, and Zen practitioners should have a proper understanding of this structure. The essence of living as budoka is to be aware of this structure and conscious of the here now.
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